Greetings, BC3 friends and colleagues.
Spring fever is in the air. Finally, some nice weather! I love seeing our main campus buzzing with activity. Dozens of people have pulled me aside to express their satisfaction with the Shaffer Walking Trail. The trail will be formally introduced in a ceremony on April 24. Other events such as the Open House, concert in the Succop Theater and a Boy Scouts gathering brought over a thousand people to BC3; many for the first time!
These visitors tell me how they enjoy the beauty of our main campus. I am pleased to tell them that Beautification is one of our four strategic initiatives.
Please do your part in keeping not only main campus, but all of our BC3 locations litter-free. As more and more community members make their way to BC3, I would love to give them a wonderful impression.
Thanks for your part in making the College look good. Have a great rest of the semester!