- Finalized a bid package with a firm that will audit the campus using Enviromental Protection Agency standards and eventual follow through on recommendations from the report.
- As expanded photocopy program saved an estimated $7,000 in paper costs.
- The College enhanced web-based services to eliminate labor/paper costs.
- The College completed lighting upgrades to reduce electricity costs.
- Faculty, staff and students can participate in BC3’s ride share program. To date, 135 individuals use the carpolling network saving an estimated 2,196 gallons of gasoline.
Beginning in the spring semester, the College will expand its paper recycling program. Abitibi dumpsters are already available on the south end of campus. The dumpsters are not only for campus usage, but community usage as well. Any paper, with the exception of cardboard, is acceptable for these dumpsters.
Over 150, seven-gallon office receptacles for paper recycling, along with liners, will be available on a first-come, first-servce basis to College employees. We will be sure to accommodate all requests (even if we have to order more). Those getting these seven-gallon receptacles will be responsible for bagging the content and then placing that bag into larger 23-gallon bins that will be available in each campus building.
A list of the campus locations for these 23-gallon bins, which will be only used for paper recycling purposes, as well as the process for getting office receptacles and liners, will be forthcoming.
A 20-hour work study position will work with Custodial and Maintenance staff in transporting contents from the 23-gallon bins in each building to the Abitibi dumpsters. The position is in the process of being filled.
Beginning in the spring, three recycling bings for plastic bottles will be available in the Pioneer Cafe, the Bookstore and the Science and Technology Building.
An expanded approach to recycling for paper, plastic and cans will be included in the College’s Master Planning Process. The final Master Plan is expected to be completed for summer of 2009.
Great thanks to Brian Opitz, Mark Zorn, Cheryl Cavaliero, Tammy Boice and Matt Kovac for leading this effort.