BC3’s Tobacco-Free Policy will take effect beginning Wednesday, July 1 on the Butler main campus and BC3 locations in Cranberry, Lawrence and Mercer counties. The policy was approved last year to keep in line with state legislation (Senate Bill No. 246).
The Policy states that “BC3 is dedicated to providing a healthy, comfortable and productive enviroment for all employees, students, and visitors. Therefore, smoking and the use of all tobacco products are prohibited on all campuses and sites owned and/or leased by Butler County Community College and college vehicles effective July 1, 2009. This policy applies to all faculty, staff, students, and visitors of Butler County Community College. Any violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action.”
The College’s new policy is consistent with actions taken by the County of Butler and Butler Health Systems. BC3 has been proactive over the past semester in providing resources and information to students, faculty, and staff including a tobacco cessation workshop, flyers, and other materials. The College also promoted a healthy lifestyle walk on main campus and a Health and Benefits Fair for employees and students. Additional tobacco cessation workshops will be offered at BC3 locations in early September for employees and students.
Tobacco-Free decals will be placed on the doors of all the buildings at each BC3 location as a reminder of the new policy. Those in violation of the policy will be subject to a fine. In addition, employees will be subject to progressive discipline and students will be subject to the Student Code of Conduct.
Please visit our Tobacco-Free webpage for more information regarding tobacco cessation and the policy.